
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Ode to Fred...

This is my sweet little dog, Freddy. We don't really know what breed he is, and for the most part, we really don't care... because he is THE best doggie in the whole world.

I just wanted to take a moment to give Fred some screen-time on the blog and remind everybody (in Betty White/Bob Barker fashion) that there are sweet dogs in shelters and foster homes all over the place. Kitties too! Maybe if you have a little extra tax refund left over, you could donate a few bucks or some much-needed pet supplies to your local ASPCA or shelter. You can find out about more rescue organizations and available pets for adoption on Petfinder too!

Fred was a "rescued" dog... my sweet neighbor Margaret took him in one day and took care of him... took him to the vet to have him checked out... but couldn't keep him (she had reached the dog threshold in her house, was about to have surgery, and about to move). She tried (without success) to find his owners by hanging up signs all over the neighborhood, posting them at nearby veterinarian offices and Petsmart, consulting FidoFinder, and checking the dog himself to see if he had a microchip bearing his owner's information. After 2 weeks, she still couldn't find the owners and was going to have to take him to a shelter... so we took him in and made him a member of our family.

He is the perfect little missing puzzle piece we never knew we were looking for. Freddy is absolutely wonderful with the kids, and despite his stubborn terrier nature he's learned a few tricks and has successfully become crate-trained (with lots of love and patience). He only imtermittently bothers the cats, but they are never afraid to let him know who's boss. They can jump higher than him, and are much more agile... so they definitely have the upper paw.

Oh, those sweet puppy eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fred looks like such fun little guy!