Our themed sets will be available for quick sessions, priced as follows:
- 10 minute appointment, one 8x10"print (photographer's choice).... $40
- 10 minute appointment, one digital image file.... $75
The images from these sessions will be posted to online galleries, should you wish to purchase additional digital files or prints.
You're absolutely welcome to purchase a longer session, please inquire if interested.
PUMPKIN DAYS (indoor)!
October 29 through November 3. Bring your little pumpkins by in their fall colors or Halloween costumes! Watch the blog and facebook page for previews of the Pumpkin Days set.
SNOW DAYS (indoor)!
December 1 through 7. This will be a relatively clean-looking, white/gray set with lots of frosty feeling goodness. No matter what the weather's doing outside, dress in your favorite Christmas pajamas, winter hat & mittens, snow boots, holiday best, or even a tacky Christmas sweater!
SLEIGH DAYS (outdoor)!
December 1 through 7. The elves are busy building our sleigh... we're so excited! It'll be sized just for kids and parked in a snowdrift.